Sunday, June 29, 2008
Battlegrounds 6/29/08
The daily battleground today was WSG so I skipped it, I hate WSG, I think it is a waste of time for the amount of honor you get from it so I only do it when I need the marks. Instead I fought in 1 AV and 3 Eye of the Storm on Wranngar, all losses :(. The Alliance just didn't have it together today. In the AV I was in they held SHGY right from the start, we also had SFGY so the Horde didn't have a forward GY to rez at which kept them right in front of us, we couldn't advance. I don't know what it is about SHGY and Galv but they have cost us more battles. Basically they held SHGY but left Dun Baldar wide open which seems to be standard procedure when you get a group that doesn't know any better about holding SHGY. Long story short, and it was a long honorless battle, We ended up losing when the Horde killed Vann. We had just got to Drek and people were saying to rush him while we still had 3 towers up... Great plan, rush him while he has 3 Warmasters with him and he's at 175% health. Then I went into EoS where we didn't fare any better. People seemed more interested in the flag than they did in getting nodes to the point where someone grabbed the flag when we didn't even have a node to bring it to... At least that can be written off to it being EoS holiday weekend and all the weekend warriors and AFKers were out in force. Hopefully it will get better next week but school is getting out so I am not sure it will. To check which holiday weekend it is and see whatever else is going on check out the Events Calendar.
Alterac Valley,
Captain Glavangar,
Dun Baldar,
Vanndar Stormpike,
World of Warcraft,
WoW Events Calendar,
Daily's 6/29/08
I did a few of my daily's on both Wranngar and Gomorra today. I did the daily fishing which was Bait Bandits and the daily cooking which was Soup for the Soul on both and also did Gaining the Advantage on Wranngar. For the daily fishing I flew over to my spot by Tuurem (52,37) in Terokkar Forest but went a few hundred feet South to the waterfall and fished there today. The Blackfin Darter for this quest are getting harder and harder to catch, I had about the same luck over there as I usually do, over a dozen casts to get one. When I had one I flew back to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and turned it in for my Bag of Fishing Treasures. Wranngar got 7g16s40c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and a Piece of Polished Driftwood. Gomorra got 7g23s30c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking and a Razor Sharp Fillet Knife. Nothing exciting there today. After that I headed to Nagrand to kill and skin some Clefthoof for Gaining the Advantage. I got the meat I needed for the daily cooking while I was doing that. Once I was done with Gaining the Advantage I flew over to the Ancestral Grounds (25,59) in Nagrand and cooked up my soup. Then I did it again on Gomorra. I went back and turned that in to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath and picked Barrel of Fish for my reward. Gomorra got 6 Golden Darter, 5 Figluster's Mudfish and 2 Bright Baubles while Wranngar got 6 Figluster's Mudfish, 5 Golden Darter, 2 Huge Spotted Feltail and a Fishbone Toothpick. Nothing too exciting there either but I cooked up all the fish and put it in the guild bank for whoever needs it. They also both got 7g59s for this daily and Wranngar got 16g39s plus a Major Rejuvenation Potion for turning in Gaining the Advantage.
Dreadsteed 6/28/08
I went into Dire Maul West, an instance in Feralas, and helped someone get their Dreadsteed tonight. It was one of the fastest runs I ever did in there, we were going flat out start to finish. It went pretty smooth considering how fast we were moving. There were 4 level 70 Warlocks, all Demon Spec'd, and a level 66 Rogue. There was me on my Demon Lock, Gomorra, Apothiss a 66 Rogue, Wraithguard a 70 Demon Lock, Riantria a 70 Demon Lock and Zeuswarlord another Demon Lock. We went in there to get Zeuswarlord his Dreadsteed. We went in and took out the 5 pylons to drop the shield around Immol'thar, then we killed him and set up the circle. All the Locks had mats so we were all able to help keep the 3 elements going while helping to fight all the demons that come into the circle, and there are a lot of them. It seems like it goes on for hours but it can't be any more than 10 minutes, I am not sure, I have never timed it. Having the Felguards to help makes a big difference. I remember the first two times I went in to summon the Dreadsteed, the first time for myself and the second time for someone else we wiped at the end trying to set up the circle due to the sheer volume of demons that come out to try and stop you. It does seem like it gets easier each time I do it though. Once we had the portal complete we got patched up and then summoned the Dreadsteed. While you are fighting the Dreadsteed (You have to kill it when it comes through) a Dreadguard (The Dreadsteeds Master) also comes through and you have to kill him too. Once we had the Dreadsteed down all Zeuswarlord had to do was talk to it and get the button to summon his Epic Dreadsteed Mount. All in all a pretty easy run. I will have to go out tomorrow and get some more Soul Shards to replenish my supply, I like to have at least 28 on hand at all times, being a Warlock I use them for everything.
Dire Maul,
Epic Mounts,
World of Warcraft,
WoW Epic Mounts,
Battlegrounds 6/28/08
I fought in a bunch of battlegrounds today on Wranngar. I did 5 Eye of the Storm, which was the daily battleground today. We won the first one I was in then I went back in and fought in 4 more, we had 2 wins and 3 losses. Not a good day for the Alliance in EoS. It is EoS holiday weekend this weekend and that explains a lot about why we were doing so bad in a battleground we usually do so well in. There were a lot of weekend warriors in there along with a lot of AFK. In a battleground where the teams are made up of 15 players each a couple AFK make a big difference. After that I went on to fight in 12 AV's, 3 wins and 9 losses, the Alliance was doing really bad in there too. There were anywhere from 5 to 10+ AFK per battle and you could tell a lot of the people that were participating, even if it was half heartedly, really didn't know what they were doing and were only there to get some of the gear that just came out. In a few battles, too many, there were people asking why we didn't just go and take down Drek. That should tell you how long it has been since they were in AV. Since patch 2.3 you can no longer just run right to Drek and take him out. Now he is tied into the towers just like Vann is. Each tower, IBT, TP, East Frostwolf Tower and West Frostwolf Tower, represents a Warmaster in with Drek and also gives him +25% to his health. With 4 towers up Drek has 4 Warmasters with him and is at 200% health so it is pretty much impossible to just run down and take him out without taking out at least 2 of the towers. Usually we wait until we have 3 towers down before we even try. We had a few battles that ended up in turtles and lost a lot on reinforcements. There was the usual stupid stuff going on too, going for Galv first and taking and holding SHGY. Holding SHGY gives the Horde no forward place to rez so they are in front of the offense the whole time and we can not advance. I am not sure what it is about that people do not understand but it happens way too often. Hopefully it will straighten out in the coming weeks as the people who are only doing battlegrounds now for honor get the honor they need and go back to PvE.
Daily's 6/28/08
I really slacked off on my daily's today, I only did the daily fishing, which was Crocolisks in the City again, and the daily cooking, which was Revenge is Tasty. I did them on Wranngar. I spent most of my day in the battlegrounds although I did go to Dire Maul West and helped someone get their DreadSteed. I got the usual rewards from the daily's nothing exciting.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Battlegrounds 6/27/08
The daily battleground today was Alterac Valley. I did it on Wranngar and we won the first one I was in. We rushed FWGY, then backtracked and got TP and IBT while some went forward to get FWRH and the East and West Towers. After we had TP and IBT we went and killed Galv for extra honor. We waited until all the towers had capped along with FWRH then we moved in and killed Drek, a pretty smooth run and having capped everything we got maximum honor. We seemed to be doing ok in AV today so I stayed for 15 more battles, we won 7 more and lost 8 for a total of 8 wins and 8 losses for the day. 50% is not bad for the Alliance in AV in our battlegroup, as a matter of fact it is pretty good. We had a lot of AFK as is to be expected after they released Season 2 for honor. For the most part the strategies that seemed to be working best were rushing FWGY, rushing FWRH and even rushing IBGY and moving on from there. As long as we all worked together we had no problem winning and in one battle the Horde had nothing capped, not even a graveyard, they were rezzing in their cave. We won a few of our battles on reinforcements but for the most part won by killing Drek. The Horde won about half of theirs by killing Vann and the rest on reinforcements. We did have a few turtles, mostly when people went for Galv first which usually causes the offense to get wiped out. Everybody, usually the ones going for Galv at the start, says you only need 5 to take down Galv and that is true but when you look while they are doing it there are no less than 10 in there and usually around 15. There was the usual stupidity of people hanging onto SHGY causing the Horde to rez right in offenses face and keeping them from moving forward. If you can get SHGY AFTER you cap IBGY and FWGY then by all means do so as it will really hold the Horde back from moving forward but you don't hold it from the start, aside from a little resistance to slow the Horde down, because it keeps us from moving forward. All in all I had a good time in there and got a bunch of honor and kills. Axeelina even came in and fought in a couple of them with me. I also ended up with 32 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor most of which I had to delete out of my mail as I am back up to 100 after buying my Merciless Gladiator's Maul the other day.
Daily's 6/27/08
I only did some of my daily's on Wranngar today, then I hit the battleground. The daily's I did were the daily cooking, which was Manalicious, the daily fishing, which was Crocolisks in the City, Sunfury Attack Plans and Gaining the Advantage. I did Sunfury Attack Plans on my way over to Eco-Dome Midrealm to do the daily cooking. I got the Sunfury Attack Plans on my 4th kill so that was pretty quick. Then I went and picked my Mana Berries and headed back to turn in to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath. I picked Barrel of Fish for my reward and got a Goldenscale Vendorfish which I sold to a vendor for 6 gold, 4 Golden Darter and a Ruined Fishing Net. The Golden Darter will come in handy. After that I went to Nagrand and killed some Clefthoof for Gaining the Advantage. That didn't take me too long and I headed back to Shattrath to turn Gaining the Advantage and Sunfury Attack Plans. From there I headed to Stormwind and caught my Baby Crocolisk on the first cast. Took me longer to get there than it did to catch it :). I hearthed back to Shattrath and flew over to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and turned that in for my Bag of Fishing Treasures. I got 7g35c, 6 Sharpened Fish Hooks and 3 Jaggal Pearls. Nothing too exciting there. After that I decided it was time to get some honor so I grabbed the daily battleground, which was Alterac Valley, and headed into the battleground.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Battlegrounds 6/26/08
I fought in a couple different battlegrounds tonight. I did Arathi Basin for my daily and also 3 Alterac Valley on Wranngar. We won the first AB I was in, 2000/1370. It was a pretty good fight, we held 3 nodes the whole time but they were constantly changing as we lost one and picked up a new one. The daily battle ground pays 11g99s, 419 honor and 3 marks of honor which in this case were Arathi Basin Mark of Honor. We didn't do as well in AV, there were a lot of AFK and no real teamwork. People were going off and doing their own thing, not working together which cost us all 3 battles. A couple of the plans we were trying to follow were rush FWGY and rush FWRH but they only work if everyone follows the plan and that just wasn't happening. Some people wanted to kill Galv right at the start and when they couldn't get enough people together to kill him they argued about it instead of helping the offense reach an objective. I am not sure which battleground weekend it is but it sure felt like AV weekend, I will have to check and see. (I checked and it is Eye of the Storm weekend) We never even got close to taking down Drek while the Horde took down Vann in 2 of the 3 battles I was in. I think there was only one battle were we actually capped a tower in Frostwolf Keep. All 3 battles turned into a turtle due to lack of teamwork and not having enough offense working towards the same goal to secure a forward graveyard. 3 battles was all I could take, maybe I will try again tomorrow. You can check the Events Calendar to see what is happening and where.
Daily's 6/26/08
I did some of my daily's today. I did the daily fishing, which was Bait Bandits and the daily cooking, which was Revenge is Tasty on both Wranngar and Gomorra plus I did Gaining the Advantage on Wranngar. The fishing went pretty quick and I got a nice reward on Wranngar. I flew over to the bridge by Tuurem (52,37) in Terokkar Forest to catch my Blackfin Darters. I got them in a few casts on each then flew over to Skettis to kill a Monstrous Kaliri and get my wing. I had t kill 4 on each before I got the wing. I flew back to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and turned in the fishing quest for my Bag of Fishing Treasures. Gomorra got 7g35s1c, 3 Elixir of Water Walking and a Noble's Monocle which I sold to a vendor for 11 gold. Allakhazam says it goes for 125 gold on the auction house but I don't see that happening, it is a white item. Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g99s25c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks, a Giant Shark Tooth and Spun Truesilver Fishing Line. The Spun Truesilver Fishing Line is one of the rewards that make doing the daily fishing quest worthwhile, it permanently adds +3 to your fishing skill. After that I flew over to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath and turned in the cooking. I picked Barrel of Fish for my reward on both and Wranngar got 6 Spotted Feltail, 5 Golden Darter, 2 Enormous Barbed Gill Trout and 3 Clean Fishbones. Gomorra got 9 Golden Darter, a Huge Spotted Feltail, an Enormous Barbed Gill Trout and a Ruined Fishing Net. The Golden Darter alone are worth 45 gold on the auction house and that is what makes doing the daily cooking worthwhile even though I have all the recipes now. They both got the 7g59s the daily cooking pays. After that I flew out to Nagrand and killed and skinned some Clefthoof for Gaining the Advantage, that didn't take me too long today and I turned it in for 16g39s and a Major Rejuvenation Potion which I sold as I already have too many of them. I will probably go later on and do my Shattered Sun daily's too.
Update: I did all my Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar a little later. Everything was dropping good and there were not too many people around so I was able to get them done in about 40 minutes. I did the bombing run in one pass, finishing about 3/4 of the way through. I made around 120 gold for the little time it took me.
Update: I did all my Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar a little later. Everything was dropping good and there were not too many people around so I was able to get them done in about 40 minutes. I did the bombing run in one pass, finishing about 3/4 of the way through. I made around 120 gold for the little time it took me.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Battlegrounds 6/25/08
Today's daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. I did it on Wranngar and we won the first one I was in. We started off capping DR, MT & FRR then we lost MT and got BET. We went and got MT back and that gave us a 4 cap, we ran the flag a few times and won 2000/57. I got 11g99s and 419 honor from this daily along with 3 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor. After that I went and fought in 8 Alterac Valley battles on Wranngar. The Alliance was doing really good tonight for a change, we had 6 wins and 2 losses. For the most part we rushed FWGY while a few stayed back and took IBT and TP, then moved on to FWRH and the FW Towers. After we had those, or at least one of the FW Towers capped, we went in and took out Drek. In a couple we did get IBGY which only helps as that gives us a mid-point graveyard. The Horde tried to turtle in a few of them but we either ran right over them or won on reinforcements. In both our losses we lost because of a turtle and ran out of reinforcements, the Horde did not kill Vann in any of the battles I was in. In a couple of our wins we even got Galv first and still won, that is how on the Alliance was today. Of course due to Season 4 coming out and Season 2 becoming available in Champions Hall there were a lot of AFK in the battles, they are going to AFK their way to an upgrade I guess. Attached is a screen shot of the AFK in one battle, pretty much all the battles we like this. Blizzard says they are doing something about the AFK problem but you just know it is going to be really bad for the next couple months. At least we had groups good enough today to still win without them.
Daily's 6/25/08
I did some of my daily's on Wranngar and Gomorra today. I did the daily fishing quest which was Crocolisks in the City, the daily cooking which was Super Hot Stew on both and Gaining the Advantage on Wranngar. For the fishing I went to Stormwind and fished in the canal right outside the Mage Quarter where you portal in. I got my Baby Crocolisk in just a few casts on each then headed back to Shattrath. I turned that in to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest for my Bag of Fishing Treasures and got, on Wranngar 7g13s68c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and a Rusted Lock. Gomorra got 6g95s71c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and a Mithril Shaving Razor that I sold to a vendor for 11 gold. Then I headed over to Forge Camp Terror in Baldes Edge to cook up my Demon Broiled Surprise. I took the mats out of the guild bank as I have a lot in there from the daily cooking so all I had to do was kill an elemental and cook it over his remains. I headed back to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath and turned that in. I picked Barrel of Fish on both and Wranngar got 6 Golden Darter, 5 Furious Crawdad and a Silver Hook. Gomorra got 4 Spotted Feltail, 6 Zangarian Sporefish, 2 Huge Spotted Feltail and a Fisherman Knife. I got some good fish out of those that I cooked up and put in the guild bank. They also both got the 7g59s that this quest pays. I headed over to Hellfire Peninsula to kill some Razorfang for Gaining the Advantage and also got some meat while I was doing that. I turned that in for 16g39s and a Major Rejuvenation Potion. I have 30 Major Rejuvenation Potion in the guild bank so I sold that one. I will go later and do the daily battleground which is Eye of the Storm and I will also try to get my Shattered Sun daily's done.
Update: I did all my Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar later on tonight. I did them with Yonezoe and we were able to knock them all out in about 40 minutes. The Shattered Sun daily's are quick, easy, and give you some good gold for the little effort it takes you. I like to do them in a different order every day to break up the boredom. I can usually do the bombing quest in one run but with 2 of us doing it there is no doubt we will have it done in one run. I made 117 gold for these, after repairs, including coin drops.
Update: I did all my Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar later on tonight. I did them with Yonezoe and we were able to knock them all out in about 40 minutes. The Shattered Sun daily's are quick, easy, and give you some good gold for the little effort it takes you. I like to do them in a different order every day to break up the boredom. I can usually do the bombing quest in one run but with 2 of us doing it there is no doubt we will have it done in one run. I made 117 gold for these, after repairs, including coin drops.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Battlegrounds 6/24/08
Arena Season 4 came out today so the season 2 stuff became available to buy with honor in Champions' Hall in Stormwind. I picked up Merciless Gladiator's Maul for Wranngar and had Major Agility (+35) put on it. Then I headed into the battleground to get more honor. Today's daily battleground was Warsong Gulch but I hate Warsong Gulch so I headed into Alterac Valley. I fought in 6 battles on Wranngar, we won 3 and lost 3. The groups were of varying quality, 2 of the 3 we lost we lost badly while one of the losses was really close, we were on Drek when the Horde killed Vann. In the 3 we won only one of them was close, the other 2 were massacres :). For the most part were rushed FWGY and the Relief Hut then capped towers and took down Drek for the win. In none of the battles, wins or losses did we get Galv first. I got some honor and a lot of kills out of it so I was happy. I will probably go back in a little later for more :).
Update: I went in for one more AV tonight which we won using the rush IBGY strat. That strat still seems to be working well along with the rush FWGY strat, but the key is everyone working together that really makes it happen. As long as everyone is working together towards a common goal we seem to be able to win without any problem.
Update: I went in for one more AV tonight which we won using the rush IBGY strat. That strat still seems to be working well along with the rush FWGY strat, but the key is everyone working together that really makes it happen. As long as everyone is working together towards a common goal we seem to be able to win without any problem.
Alterac Valley,
Captain Glavangar,
Vanndar Stormpike,
World of Warcraft,
Daily's 6/24/08
I did some of my daily's on both Wranngar and Gomorra. I did the fishing which was Bait Bandits, cooking which was Manalicious again and Sunfury Attack Plans on both plus Gaining the Advantage and The Multiphase Survey on Wranngar. I flew over to the bridge by Tuurem (52,37) in Terokkar Forest and caught my Blackfin Darter's in a couple casts then headed over to Eco-Dome Midrealm in Netherstorm to pick Mana Berries, that didn't take me long and I did Sunfury Attack Plans on the way back. When I got back to Shattrath I turned the cooking in to The Rokk (61,15) and picked Barrel of Fish for my reward. Wranngar got 11 Spotted Feltail, 2 Huge Spotted Feltail and 3 Clean Fishbones. Gomorra got 4 Spotted Feltail, 4 Zangarian Sporefish and 2 Clean Fishbones. Not anything to write home about there but now that I have all the recipes I am in it for the meat and fish. Of course they both got the 7g59s this quest pays too. When I turned in the fishing quest to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest, for my Bag of Fishing Treasures, Wranngar got 6g66s40c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks, and a Broken Spyglass which I sold to a vendor for 2 gold. Gomorra got 7g41s66c, 5 Sharpened Fish Hooks and 2 pieces of Salvaged Scrap Metal. Nothing too exciting there either but there are still some nice rewards to be had for both Wranngar and Gomorra so I will stick with it. You can see the rewards for the other quests by going to the List of Daily Quests.
Update: I went and did all the Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar tonight after the battleground. I did them with Yonezoe and we got them done pretty quick. She had some of them partially done from the day before so that made things go a little quicker.
Update: I went and did all the Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar tonight after the battleground. I did them with Yonezoe and we got them done pretty quick. She had some of them partially done from the day before so that made things go a little quicker.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Daily's 6/23/08
I did all my Shattered Sun daily's on Wranngar today along with Gaining the Advantage and The Multiphase Survey in Nagrand, Blast the Gateway and Blood for Blood at the Throne of Kil'Jaeden, Sunfury Attack Plans in Netherstorm and Ata'mal Armaments in Shadowmoon Valley. I did the daily fishing, which was Felblood Fillet again, and cooking, which was Manalicious, on both Wranngar and Gomorra. With those I was able to send about 260 gold to the bank today. I got the daily fishing from Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and the daily cooking from The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath then headed to the Pools of Aggonar (39,37) in Hellfire Peninsula to catch my Monstrous Felblood Snapper. I got him in 7 casts on Gomorra and 14 casts on Wranngar. From there I headed over to the Sunfury Post to do Sunfury Attack Plans which I got on both in only a few kills. From there it was off to Eco-Dome Midrealm to pick Mana Berries for the daily cooking. I went to Nagrand on Wranngar from there to do my skinning and The Multiphase Survey then headed back to Shattrath to turn in. For the cooking I am picking Barrel of Fish this week and Wranngar got 4 Furious Crawdad, 4 Golden Darter and a Fisherman Knife in his while Gomorra got 6 Zangarian Sporefish, 4 Figluster's Mudfish and a pair of Moldy Leather Boots in his. They both got the 7g59s that this daily pays too. I also picked up a few recipes at the auction house today on Wranngar that he didn't have. For the fishing Wranngar got 7g9s77c, 2 Elixir of Water Walking and a Rusted Lock. Gomorra got 6g57s27c, 2 Elixir of Water Walking and a Rusted Lock. Nothing good there at all. There are still a lot of good rewards to be had from the daily fishing so I will keep at it.
Daily Battleground 6/23/08
I'm not sure what today's daily battleground was but I had the AV daily in my quest log from a few days ago so I did that on Wranngar today. We won the first one I was in. I got in the battleground about 10 seconds after it started so I don't know what the plan, if any, was but everyone went for Galv first. Usually doing Galv first results in a loss but today we got lucky. By the time they got Galv down we had SFGY and IBGY capping, I think that is what saved us. I helped cap IBT then moved to IBGY and helped guard that until it capped while others from IBT went to TP and helped cap that. Others bypassed FWGY and went right for FWRH and the towers there. We had quite a few on defense at the start, about half of which were AFK, but then most of them moved up to offense. We lost FWRH and the towers when people decided it would be a good idea to take SHGY while we had IBGY and SFGY, causing the horde to rez at FWGY and basically putting them right on top of us. It turned into a Horde turtle and we ended up getting FWGY then started FWRH capping again. We then took out the towers winning on reinforcements. The Horde weren't doing good at all today, not the usual teamwork you usually see and that was a major factor in us winning after the "Galv first" mistake. The daily battleground pays 11g99s, 418 honor and 3 marks of honor which in this case were Alterac Valley Mark of Honor. I have 100 in the bank so mine were mailed to me and they will disappear after 24 hours.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Steamvault 6/22/08
After Shattered Halls we decided to try another instance, I said any one would be good except Shattered Halls, I had enough of that one for one day. We got another group together and headed into the Steamvaults, an instance in Zangarmarsh. This group was a lot more organized and we had a Paladin to tank which was better as I am really geared for DPS at the moment and feel more comfortable doing DPS. I can tank normal instances with the gear I have, all epic PvP not PvE gear, but I wouldn't last long as a tank in a Heroic instance. This group consisted of Wranngar as DPS, Yonezoe as healer, Dracesslewis a 70 Paladin as main tank, Strycker a 70 hunter as DPS and crowd control and Ilth of the Shattered Sun as off tank and DPS. We had a lot smoother run in this one with this group. Everything was marked and everyone waited until the main tank had good threat before jumping in. We worked our way through all the bosses to the end without much problem. We got a bunch of greens and some blues. Most of us were there to build rep but one person was there for a key fragment to another instance. All in all a great run and a good time.
World of Warcraft,
Shattered Halls 6/22/08
Yonezoe wanted to build up her reputation with Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula and it wouldn't kill Wranngar to build up his either so we decided to run an instance. We decided on Shattered Halls which I had never been in before. There was Wranngar tanking, Yonezoe Healing, Drene a 70 Mage doing DPS and crowd control, Megavolt a 70 Shaman doing DPS and off tanking and Seriesh of the Shattered Sun another 70 Shaman doing DPS and off tanking. We did this instance way too fast and had some problems but we did manage to get through it and killed the last boss. This was Yonezoe's first real healing stint in an instance and she did pretty good. I need to work on my tanking skills although I didn't really have much opportunity to tank as people were hitting mobs before I had a chance to which defeats the whole purpose of having a tank. The tank needs to build up threat to be able to hold the mobs on them and I wasn't getting a chance to do that. Towards the end I got sick of trying to pull mobs, that other people were hitting first, onto me and just DPS'd in Bear form. We got some blue items that Yonezoe disenchanted into shards that we rolled for.
Hellfire Peninsula,
Shattered Halls,
World of Warcraft,
Daily's 6/22/08
I did some daily's today, I did the cooking and fishing on both Wranngar and Gomorra and I also did Gaining the Advantage on Wranngar and Sunfury Attack Plans, Ata'mal Armaments, Blast the Gateway and Blood for Blood on Gomorra. Yonezoe did those 4 with me and then logged onto Axeelina and did the daily cooking with Gomorra. The daily cooking today was Soup for the Soul again, I got the mats I needed from the guild vault for Wranngar, Gomorra and Axeelina and we headed over to the Ancestral Grounds (25,59) in Nagrand and cooked up our soup. When I turned that in to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath I picked Crate of Meat as my reward on both, starting tomorrow I will be picking Barrel of Fish for the whole week. Wranngar got 8 pieces of Serpent Flesh, 8 pieces of Warped Flesh and a Large Hoof while Gomorra got 8 pieces of Warped Flesh, 8 pieces of Buzzard Meat and a Hunting Knife. Not much good in either of those rewards but I believe I have gotten all the recipes on both now so the meat and fish is really all I have to look forward to unless they have some seasonal recipes or add more. Then I headed over to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and got the daily fishing quest which was Felblood Fillet. I flew over to the Pools of Aggonar (39,37) in Hellfire Peninsula on Wranngar to catch my Monstrous Felblood Snapper and took Gomorra to Shadowmoon Valley (40,59) to catch his. I turned them in for my Bag of Fishing Treasures and Wranngar got 6g82s60c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and 2 pieces of Salvaged Scrap Metal. Gomorra got 7g17s94c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and a Razor Sharp Fillet Knife which I sold to a vendor for 4 gold and some silver. Not a great day for rewards today, better luck tomorrow.
Wranngar Epic Flight Form 6/21/08
I finally got my epic flight form on Wranngar last night. I was talking to a friend of mine, Beerchick, Champion of the Naaru, and I told him I was up to the part where I needed to do Heroic Sethekk Halls for the last part. He said lets go do it. I couldn't pass that up so we went in and got it :). They do a lot of raiding and know what they are doing so it was a pretty easy run compared to most instance runs I have been on. This was my first heroic instance and it went a lot smoother than a lot of normal instances I have done. It didn't take us long to get it done and I got a couple nice items I can use for raiding plus a few Badge of Justice. There were five us us running it, me on Wranngar, Beerchick on his Priest Beerboy, Champion of the Naaru who was healing, a Hunter Spoke who was crowd control, another Priest Thunderlily who was DPS, and another Druid, Ezrah, that was tanking. I was DPS too for this run. Beerchick was able to get 3 more people to help us from her guild no problem so there was no waiting to get a group together. Beerchick invited me and Yonezoe to join her guild and come raiding. I will talk to Yonezoe and see if she wants to come but I would really like to and I am pretty sure she will too. I am getting sick of doing only battlegrounds and would like to get some of the rewards that can be had from raiding. Plus it was a lot of fun with a good group who knows what they are doing.
Yonezoe 6/21/08
Yonezoe hit 70 today :), congratulations to her. We started in Netherstorm but were questing in Shadowmoon Valley when she hit it so she was able to get her 300 riding skill and epic flying mount right there. I was along on Wranngar. I am glad that is finally over. I am definitely going to take a long break before I start another character. Now that she is 70 we can go back to doing daily quests and making some gold along with raiding and battlegrounds so she can get some good gear.
Epic Flying Mount,
Shadowmoon Valley,
World of Warcraft,
Daily's 6/21/08
I did some of my daily's on both Wranngar and Gomorra today. I did the daily fishing which was Bait Bandits and the daily cooking which was Soup for the Soul on both as well as Gaining the Advantage and Sunfury Attack Plans on Wranngar. I got Sunfury Attack Plans done while I was helping Yonezoe in Netherstorm and did Gaining the Advantage while I was getting the meat I needed for the daily cooking. When I was done with Gaining the Advantage I flew over to the Ancestral Grounds (25,59) in Nagrand and cooked my Clefthoof Meat then made my soup on both toons. When I turned to The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath I picked Crate of Meat as my reward and Wranngar got 8 pieces of Clefthoof Meat, 7 pieces of Warped Flesh and a Skinning Knife. Nothing exciting there. Gomorra got 15 pieces of Serpent Flesh, an Unidentified Eye and Recipe: Stormchops, a nice blue recipe. The recipes are the main reason to do the daily cooking quest although the meat isn't bad either. I will have to check, I think I might have all the recipes on both now. For Bait Bandits I flew over to my spot at the bridge (52,37) outside Tuurem in Terokkar Forest and fished for the elusive Blackfin Darter. It was proving to be pretty elusive today, it took me 56 casts on Wranngar to catch one and 14 on Gomorra. After I caught one I flew back to Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and turned it in for my Bag of Fishing Treasures. Wranngar got 7g48s99c, 5 Sharpened Fish Hooks and 3 pieces of Salvaged Scrap Metal, whoohoo. Gomorra got 6g71s5c, 4 Sharpened Fish Hooks and a Broken Spyglass which I sold to a vendor for 2 gold. Nothing too good there but I can't complain as I have gotten some pretty good stuff from the fishing quest. When I got back to Shattrath I turned in Gaining the Advantage and Sunfury Attack Plans for my rewards.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Netherstorm 6/20/08
We, Wranngar and Yonezoe, did some more questing in Netherstorm tonight. Yonezoe leveled up to 69 and she has about 18 more bars until 70. I gave her a Riding Crop I made to celebrate hitting 69. Some of the quests I was able to do and some I had already done when I was leveling Wranngar there. We really didn't have any problems until we got to Quest: Shutting Down Manaforge Ara then the sheer volume of mobs that come out overwhelmed us and we had to get some help. Yonezoe got a friend of hers, Yangkwen, Champion of the Naaru, to give us a hand. We didn't have too much problem after that although the shutdown did reset twice before we got it shut down. After that it was getting late so we called it a day. Hopefully she will be 70 by the end of the weekend.
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