Polishing the Helm is a daily rep quest for
The Sons of Hodir. You need to be friendly with
The Sons of Hodir to get this daily. If you are not friendly with
The Sons of Hodir check out this post
Unlocking The Sons of Hodir Daily's.
You pick this quest up from the helm at Dun Niffelem. It is hung up and you need to fly up to get it. The objective of this quest is to get 5
Viscous Oil to polish
Hodir's Helm with.

You get the
Viscous Oil from the
Viscous Oil Mobs inside the Hibernal Cavern (55,64). The Hibernal Cavern is located west of Dun Niffelem in the Valley Ancient Winters. If you are heading west from Dun Niffelem you will find it on the right side a little over half way through the valley.
Viscoius Oil Mobs are the mobs in there that look like greenish blobs moving around. You need to kill them and loot the
Viscous Oil from them.

Once you have the 5
Viscous Oil you need you can head back to Dun Niffelem to turn in. You turn this back in to
Hodir's Helm. This quest pays 13g23s and 250 rep with
The Sons of Hodir. Another fast and easy quest although, like all the others, it can take awhile if everyone is trying to do it at once. You should plan on doing this one along with
Spy Hunter and
Feeding Arngrim as they are all in the same area.
Good Luck :)
WranngarThe Sons of Hodir -
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