I did the daily cooking in Dalaran on
Wranngar tonight, it was
Convention at the Legerdemain. I grabbed 4
Northern Stew out of the guild bank and headed over to the wine shop for a jug of wine. Once I had that I handed it in and got my 9g93s,
Dalaran Cooking Award and 4
Northern Spices. I have about 3/4 of a stack of
Northern Spices in the bank now. I headed over to see what
The Rokk, (61,15) in Shattrath, had for me and he had
Revenge is Tasty. From there I headed over to
Old Man Barlo, (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest, and picked up
Shrimpin' Ain't Easy. I was happy to get that one because I hadn't seen it since the expansion and I needed it for an Achievement. I flew over to my spot at Umbrafen Lake (78,74) in Zangarmarsh and got the 10
Giant Freshwater Shrimp I needed pretty quick and handed in. My
Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g49s91c, 6
Sharpened Fish Hooks and a
Broken Spyglass. Not the best haul I have gotten from this daily. I headed over to Skettis after that and got my wing on the first kill. I took that and 3
Warp Burgers and made
Kaliri Stew which I handed in to
The Rokk. I picked
Barrel of Fish and on top of the 75s I got for this quest I got 6
Furious Crawdad, 4
Spotted Feltail, 2
Huge Spotted Feltail and 2
Clean Fishbones. Not the best haul there either. I don't know why I continue to do this quest, there are really no rewards left for me and it only pay's 75 silver but I guess the meat comes in handy and they are quick and easy. I still have some good rewards to get from the daily fishing. Afterwards I wandered around a little and called it a night.