I did all my daily's on both
Wranngar and
Gomorra tonight. I have done them on at least one every day and try to do them on both. I spent all my gold on the
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth so I need to make some gold but, in the last 5 days, I have managed to make almost 2,000 gold doing daily's and selling drops so I am not doing too bad.

I did the daily cooking today which was
Convention at the Legerdemain. I got the jug of wine on both
Wranngar and
Gomorra as soon as I got to
One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran. I got
Wranngar's right behind the counter where the guy is standing when you come in and
Gomorra's right outside behind that girl at the table. I cooked up 4
Northern Stew and delivered everything to
Arille Azuregaze, the bartender at The Legerdemain. He was pretty happy and gave
Wranngar 9g93s, a
Dalaran Cooking Award and a
Small Spice Bag with 3
Northern Spices, 3
Old Spices and 4
Baby Spice in it. Not a bad haul.
Gomorra got 9g93a, 2
Dalaran Cooking Awards and a
Small Spice Bag with 4
Northern Spices in it.
Gomorra has 9 cooking awards to spend now so I will get 3 more recipes for him tomorrow. He has 450 cooking now so I kind of slacked off on getting his recipes lately even though I get the awards every day.

The daily fishing quest from
Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, was
Blood Is Thicker today. I took the flight point from Dalaran to Unu'pe then flew straight inland and found a
Marsh Caribou to kill. Killing that covered me in blood so I flew back to Unu'pe and jumped in the water to create a blood pool. I fished the blood pool until I caught my 5
Bloodtooth Frenzy then headed back to Dalaran to turn in.
Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g99s91c, 3
Elixir of Water Walking and a
Worthless Piece of Green Glass. Not the best haul but there is some really good stuff to get from this daily.
Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g59s36c, 4
Pygmy Oil, a
Velociraptor Skull and 3
Deviate Fish. He didn't do much better than