I got on
Wranngar tonight and got the daily cooking out of the way right away. It was
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf so I went and got my
Infused Mushrooms, cooked them up with a couple
Chilled Meat, delivered it and got 9g93s, a
Dalaran Cooking Award and a
Small Spice Bag, that had 4
Northern Spices and another
Dalaran Cooking Award in it, for my trouble. Not a bad haul today at all. I will get the 3rd
Dalaran Cooking Award I need tomorrow, buy and cook up my last recipe for
The Northrend Gourmet achievement and get my Chef title.

I did my 3 daily's for The Kalu'ak, they are:
Preparing for the Worst,
Planning for the Future and
The Way to His Heart.... It will take me 3 more days to get exalted with them, I will almost be there in 2 days but almost doesn't count. I get 5 gold a piece for these daily's but it is the reputation I am after. After that I did my Knight of the Ebon Blade daily's. They are:
From Their Corpses, Rise!,
No Fly Zone,
Intelligence Gathering,
Leave Our Mark,
Shoot 'Em Up and
Vile Like Fire!. I get 13g23s each for these Ebon Blade daily's which amounts to about 80 gold for all 6. I reached exalted with the Knights of the Ebon Blade today. I got
Darkheart Chestguard from the quartermaster for 39 gold. You have to be exalted with them to purchase it. That was a nice deal. I did
Overstock in The Stormpeaks too, this is another really easy quest that pays around 13 gold.

The daily battleground was Eye of the Storm today. It took me 3 to get a win. The first battle I was in we had a really bad group, too many flagtards. Everyone was going for the flag instead of towers. Needless to say we lost that one. The next group was a little better but not much. I guess the group was ok for the most part but we had 4 AFK. 4 out of 15 is pretty bad. Anyway we fought pretty hard but lost by a few hundred points anyway. In the third battle we did a lot better, we won that one and had a 3 cap going most of the time, we lost DR towards the end but I think we got it back before the battle ended. Anyway I had the win I needed and completed the daily.