I checked again at 7PM and the server is still down. You can check the
Realm Statushere but it never seems to be right, it is saying that
Aman'Thul is up right now when it is not. I created a new character
Whelzely on a US server while I was waiting. The server is
Jaedenar and it is a RPPVP server. I will see how that works out, should be interesting to say the least. I got
Whelzely up 5 levels in an hour. She is a Night Elf Druid. I am also leveling another Druid on Aman'Thul,
Sylventa, she will be Resto spec when I am done. I really like the versatility a Druid gives you. I haven't worked on
Sylventa much, she is only level 11 but I do work on her once in awhile when I have my daily's done and am bored with the battlegrounds. That doesn't happen too often :).