The daily battleground today was WSG. I skipped it, I hate WSG. I really need to get in there though and work on
Wranngar's rep. I fought in 20 Eye of the Storm and 2 Arathi Battles instead. We lost both the AB battles but we did better in EoS, winning 15 and losing 5. We had a bunch of 4 caps and all the rest were three caps and flag running. In the 5 losses we had bad groups. They would leave a node undefended so 14 of them could go after the flag. I got the Achievement
The Perfect Storm today when we won one of the battles 2000/0. The AB battles I was in were just bad groups, they were everywhere and not defending nodes. Nodes were being left empty before they even capped.

I did the daily cooking in Dalaran which was
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf. I headed down into the sewers in search of 4
Infused Mushrooms. I got them really fast, it was like no one was doing it. I cooked them up with 2
Chilled Meat and delivered it in return for a
Dalaran Cooking Award, 9g93s and a
Small Spice Bag. My
Small Spice Bag had 5
Northern Spices, 3
Old Spices and 5
Baby Spice in it. Not a bad haul today.
I've been doing some fishing in the Underbelly, in the sewers under Dalaran, trying to catch a
Giant Sewer Rat for the
I Smell A Giant Rat Achievement. It is not a common drop so it could take awhile to get it. In the last couple days I have caught a lot of things down in the sewers, I have caught:
Sewer Carp
Magic Eater13
Empty Vial6
Partially Eaten Fish8
Drowned Rat5
Leaded Vial1
Imbued Vial1
Crystal Vial1
Enchanted VialNot a
Giant Sewer Rat in the bunch though. I will keep plugging away at this when I have a little extra time, maybe when the battleground queues get too long. I have been putting the vials and
Magic Eaters in the guild bank for anyone who wants or can use them. I have 4 tabs and they are almost full. I have a tendency to be a pack rat. There is a lot of level 55-80 buff food in there, more than a tab full. It is nice that I kept it stocked up because now that I am leveling
Gomorra to 80 I have a lot of buff food for him. Some he can't eat until 75 but a lot of it he can.