Monday, January 11, 2010

Mustard Dogs - Daily Cooking 1/10/10

Today when Gomorra went to see Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, for the daily cooking quest she had Mustard Dogs! for him. Like I said the other day, good thing I farmed a lot of Rhino Meat a while ago as this one has been coming up a lot.

This one had me running around Dalaran picking Wild Mustard. The first place I went was the courtyard out back of A Hero's Welcome. A lot of people overlook this area and I didn't even know it was there until I went exploring one day. I got 2 there. I got the other 3 in the grassy areas around Dalaran. Another place you don't want to overlook is Krasus' Landing, I usually get a couple there too. Once I had the 4 I needed I headed over to the bank and grabbed 4 pieces of Rhino Meat to make the Rhino Dogs I needed. When I had the Rhino Dogs cooked up, at a fire outside the bank, I combined them with the Wild Mustard in the Empty Picnic Basket that was supplied to me when I got the quest, to make a Mustard Dog Basket!.

I took the Mustard Dog Basket! to Archmage Pentarus (68,41) at Krasus' Landing and exchanged it for 9g93s, 2 Dalaran Cooking Awards and a Small Spice Bag with 2 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad haul today if you look at the 2 extra awards as 20 more Northern Spices.

Daily Fishing - Blood is Thicker 1/10/10

Today when Gomorra went to see Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, for the daily fishing quest she had Blood Is Thicker for him.

This had me taking the flight path out of Dalaran to Un'upe in the Borean Tundra. Once there I flew inland until I spotted a Marsh Caribou. The object of this quest is to kill an animal that gets you covered in blood. I killed the Marsh Caribou then flew back to shore and jumped in, creating a blood pool. I fished in the blood pool until I caught 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy. This doesn't take long as you catch them 2 or 3 at a time.

When I had the 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy I needed I flew back to Dalaran and exchanged them with Marcia for a Bag of Fishing Treasures, which today had 8g38s21c, 5 Pygmy Oil, 2 Crafted Stars and 3 Deviate Fish. Nothing great there.