Today's daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. I did it on
Wranngar. We won the first one I was in by over 1000 points, we had and held 3 nodes throughout. The Horde seemed more concerned with running the flag than getting more nodes but that only works if you have 2 nodes. Usually it is the Alliance that makes that mistake. I got that done and collected my 11g99s and 419 extra honor for the daily. I spent 55,000 honor the other day so I need to restock that again. After that I went into AV and ended up with a really poor group. We were way ahead but people decided to take and hold SHGY and that cost us the battle. It is really quite sad that the same people make the same stupid mistakes over and over again. The fact they are unable to learn from their mistakes doesn't say much for them. Those were the only 2 battlegrounds I was in tonight, I was really tired and not in the mood to lose any more AV's which is what would have happened with the quality of players that were on.