I hadn't been on in a couple days so when I got on today I grabbed my daily cooking, which was Cheese for Glowergold, my least favorite daily, and the daily fishing, which was The Ghostfish.
The daily cooking had me running all over Dalaran getting Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses but it went pretty quick today. I got the cheese quick too, from One More Glass the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran. I combined the wine and cheese on the platter that was supplied to me when I took the quest and delivered them to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag.
My Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices and 5 Old Spices in it. An OK haul for this daily.
I flew out to Sholazar Basin after that to catch the elusive Phantom Ghostfish. I headed over to my spot just a little Northeast (48,55) and up top from the flight path and started fishing. It only took me 9 casts today to get my Phantom Ghostfish and that is right in keeping with how long it usually takes. The last time I did this quest it took me forever to get my Ghostfish.
I headed back to Dalaran and turned that in to Marcia Chase for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today it had 10g24s79c, 5 Pygmy Oil, 3 Worthless Pieces of Orange Glass and 2 Deviate Fish in it. Hardly worth the time I wasted flying to Sholazar Basin and back but there are still some good rewards to be had from this daily so I will keep plugging away at it.

My Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices and 5 Old Spices in it. An OK haul for this daily.