Friday, June 12, 2009

Eye of the Storm 6/12/09

Today's daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. I decided to do it on Wranngar, he is the only one I really PvP on anymore. Gomorra is just getting too old and tired to PvP :).

We lost the first battle I was in. I don't think it was so much a bad Alliance group, I think it was just a really good Horde group. The people I was fighting with were doing well but we couldn't seem to hold 2 towers. It was a long battle none the less as we kept uncapping Horde towers only to have them come and cap them again. I got a lot of kills and some pretty good honor out of that one even though we lost.

We won the next 4 battles in a row. We 4 capped 3 of them and had a good strong 3 cap going in the other one with a lot of flag running. In all 4 of those battles we beat them by over 1600 points. I thought we were having a good night but I soon saw we weren't.

We lost the next 3 battles we were in. I am not sure what happens but there is a time when it just changes. You go from winning owning to not even being able to hold one tower. I call this phenomenon - Nap time is over. It is the only thing I can think of that makes any kind of sense. I could see if it was EoS weekend but it's not, it's AV weekend. This happens at different times of the day but there is a pattern, it happens around the same times every day. Anyway we managed to hold a tower for most of one of the battles and lost to a 4 cap on the other two.

Monsterbelly Appetite 6/12/09

Once again I only did the daily cooking and fishing today, I just don't seem to have any enthusiasm for the others. The daily fishing I got today, from Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, was Monsterbelly Appetite.

This is a pretty fast and simple quest that had me taking the flight path from Dalaran over to Unu'pe. From there I flew out to sea, to the icebergs just a little southeast of the flightpoint. Using my fish finding skills I located a school of Deep Sea Monsterbelly. I fished that until I had my Bloated Monsterbelly. It took me 2 casts on Gomorra and 4 casts on Wranngar.

I took the severed arm I recovered from the Bloated Monsterbelly and gave it to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran, in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. She is going to attempt to reunite the arm with the fisherman it was torn off of.

Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g11s10c, 4 Pygmy Oil, 2 Crafted Star and 4 Deviate Fish, not the best day for Gom.

Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g56s26c, 3 Pygmy Oil, a Velociraptor Skull and 2 Deviate Fish. Not the best haul for Wrann either.

After that I did the daily cooking, which I got from Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome. Today it was Mustard Dogs!.

I started running around Dalaran looking for Wild Mustard to pick. It started out ok, then I noticed some benches were missing. After that I noticed I was the only person in Dalaran. Shortly after that I was disconnected from the server. When I logged back in I finished getting all the Wild Mustard I needed and headed over tot he bank to cook some Rhino Dogs. Once I had them cooked up I combined them, in the Empty Picnic Basket I was given when I accepted the quest, with the Wild Mustard to make a Mustard Dog Basket!.

I delivered that to Archmage Pentarus (68,41) at Krasus' Landing in exchange for 9g93s, 2 Dalaran Cooking Awards and a Small Spice Bag.

Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 4 Northern Spices and 5 Baby Spice in it. Not a bad haul from this daily.

Gom's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul for Gom either. There is just no more to get from this daily, just the spices and awards, I have everything else it has to offer.