I did a variety of daily's over the past week or so, the same stuff I usually do. There has been nothing out of the ordinary as far as rewards go.
Gomorra made his first 22 slot bag the other day, that gave him 2 more slots above the 20 slot bag it replaced. I also took out his Leatherworking bag and put another 20 slot bag in it's place. I really didn't need the Leatherworking bag on him as he is only a skinner, not a Leatherworker. That gave
Gom a lot more slots, he went from 28 slots free on a good day to around 50 slots free on a good day.

Yesterday the daily fishing quest in Dalaran was
Dangerously Delicious. I flew into Wintergrasp on
Gom and got my 10
Terrorfish in about 5 minutes without any problem whatsoever. Later when I went back on
Wranngar there were Horde right where you land in Wintergrasp. Evidently they figured, even though they lost the battle, they would get some easy kills off some people trying to fish. They should have just went home. After we slaughtered them we continued with our fishing with the ocassional interruption when one of the Horde, who just didn't seem to get it, would come over for some fun. We had some fun alright but I don't think he did lol.