I got on
Wranngar for a little while tonight and got the daily cooking done, which was
Convention at the Legerdemain for a change. I grabbed 4
Chilled Meat from the guild bank and cooked up the 4
Northern Stew I needed then went to the wine and cheese shop and got a jug of wine then turned it in at the Legerdemain. I got my
Dalaran Cooking Award and
Small Spice Bag which contained 3
Northern Spices and 3
Old Spices. I am slowly building up my stock of
Northern Spices and now have one stack of 20. According to the auction house prices that is worth 100 gold. The daily battleground was Alterac Valley so I skipped it. There were no battles going on which meant if I joined there would be a long queue and then we would be outnumbered 4 to 1 when that battle started. Instead I did one Eye of the Storm which we lost. We just couldn't seem to get it together and only had one tower the whole time, a couple towers for a little while and never had 3 towers. The Horde were also running the flag. It seemed to go on forever though, maybe just because I am tired. I might get back on in a little while and do some more battlegrounds.