I got on
Wranngar for awhile tonight and did some daily's. I did the daily cooking in Dalaran which was
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf. I hit the bank and got 2
Chilled Meat then went down into the sewers for some
Infused Mushroom. There seemed to be people down there picking them but I got the 4 I needed pretty quick. I cooked them up with the
Chilled Meat and delivered it. I got my
Dalaran Cooking Award, 9g93s and
Small Spice Bag which had 2
Northern Spices. Not a good haul today. I went to see what
The Rokk, (61,15) in Shattrath, had for me and he had
Soup for the Soul which worked out well because it is right next to the daily fishing quest I got from
Old Man Barlo, (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest, which was
The One That Got Away. I got 4
Roasted Clefthoof out of the bank and headed to the Ancestral Grounds (25,59) in Nagrand to cook up my
Spiritual Soup. That done I headed over to my spot at Lake Sunspring (34,43) in Nagrand and got the
World's Largest Mudfish on my 5th cast. I headed back to Shattrath and turned in to
Soup for the Soul to
The Rokk. I picked the
Barrel of Fish and got 6
Spotted Feltail, 5
Zangarian Sporefish, an
Enormous Barbed Gill Trout and 2
Clean Fishbones along with the 75s this quest pays. Not a bad haul for this quest actually lol. I headed over to
Old Man Barlo after that and turned in
The one that got Away for my
Bag of Fishing Treasures which had 6g70s69c,
Spun Truesilver Fishing Line (Now I have 3 of these in the bank, they are soulbound and do not stack on your fishing pole), 6
Sharpened Fish Hooks and a
Rusted Lock. Not a bad haul from this quest either if I could have used the
Spun Turesilver Fishing Line.

I did my 6 daily quests for the Knights of the Ebon Blade tonight. They are
From Their Corpses, Rise!,
No Fly Zone,
Intelligence Gathering,
Leave Our Mark,
Shoot 'Em Up and
Vile Like Fire!. I am well on my way to being Exalted with them. I also did
Overstock in Storm Peaks. All in all I made about 130 gold on daily's including looting and the daily battleground.

The daily battleground today was Arathi Basin. I did the first one with
Arkantose, we lost that one.
Arkantose had to leave after that one but I did another two, one loss and then a win so I could get my daily done. I am collecting
Arathi Basin Mark of Honor again because I used 30 along with 30
Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor and 30
Alterac Valley Mark of Honor to get the
Black Battlestrider. I also fought in 3 Eye of the Storm battles, 1 win and 2 losses. The first one I was in was a win and an easy one at that. I figured we were still doing good in there but found out in the next 2 battles that we were not. We lost the next 2 battles pretty quick, we had a lot of AFK and just a bad group in both battles.