I did all my Shattered Sun Daily's on
Wranngar along with
Gaining the Advantage, the daily cooking which was
Sunfury Attack Plans and the daily fishing,
Shrimpin' Ain't Easy, which I also did on
Gomorra. The Shattered Sun daily's didn't take me long at all and I made about 118 gold after repairs.

The daily cooking had me heading out to Eco-Dome Midrealm to pick
Mana Berries. This is a really easy quest, all you have to do is go around and pick berries off bushes. Takes no time at all and you get some good meat or fish for a reward along with the 7g59s this quest pays. I only did this on
Wranngar today and I picked
Crate of Meat for my reward when I turned it in to
The Rokk (61,15) in Shattrath. I got 5
Warped Flesh, 8 pieces of
Clefthoof Meat and a
Torn Furry Ear. I hope they come out with some new recipes soon, I have all of them on both toons now and while the meat is good, some of the quests, like flying all the way out to Netherstorm for this one, are a little time consuming for the rewards.
I did
Sunfury Attack Plans on my way out to Eco-Dome Midrealm to do the cooking quest. This is also a quick easy quest and I got the plans on my 5th kill. I did
Gaining the Advantage over on Razorthorn Trail. I killed and skinned Ravagers for the
Mana Remnants and also got some good leather and ravager meat to cook up.

The fishing quest sent me to Zangarmarsh where I went to my spot (78,74) on Umbrafen Lake. I got the 10
Giant Freshwater Shrimp I needed on each in no time. I headed back to
Old Man Barlo (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and turned them in for my
Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Wranngar got 6g76s21c, 4
Sharpened Fish Hooks and a
Razor Sharp Fillet Knife.
Gomorra got 7g44s63c, 3
Elixirs of Water Walking and a
Shadow Pearl. Not great rewards but good enough for this easy quest.
The daily battleground today is Alterac Valley. I fought in 2 battles, both losses. I will go back in later and see if I have any better luck.