I got
Brieanna to level 61 tonight. I did that in Alterac Valley. This was the first time I ever fought in a battleground on her and didn't do too bad. She came out in the top 5, for Alliance, for damage and kills in most the battles and in the top 10 in all the battles. She now has a total of 699 lifetime honorable kills and some marks and honor. I dual spec'd her before I went in because I wanted to be Marksman in the battlegrounds instead of Beast Master, that is working out well too.

I also did some questing in Outlands and found out, when she hit 60, that you can buy your expert riding skill (225) at 60 and get a flying mount. I got that at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula. Now that she can fly the questing should go a lot faster and will certainly be easier. I will have to get it on
Wrangar, my Deathknight, too.
I am going to stay out of the battlegrounds now until she is level 65, then I will be back in there and do nothing but battlegrounds until she is level 70.