Today I was able to do the daily cooking and fishing at the same time. Kind of. The daily cooking today, from
Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, was
Sewer Stew.

I took the portal or crystal or whatever you call it that you take down to Crystalsong Forest, then headed over and picked my
Crystalsong Carrots. I made sure I grabbed 4
Chilled Meat from the guild bank before I left so I was able to make a fire and cook up my
Vegetable Stew when I had my 4 carrots on
Wranngar and

From there I headed over to Unu'pe to do the daily fishing quest I picked up from
Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran. Today it was
Monsterbelly Appetite. I flew out to the icebergs and found a school of Monsterbelly to fish. I got my
Bloated Monsterbelly on the first cast on
Wranngar and the second cast on
I headed back to Dalaran to deliver my
Vegetable Stew to
Ajay Green at the Cantrips and Crows Tavern in the Underbelly and the
Severed Arm to
Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran where she is going to attempt to reunite it with it's owner. The rewards for these were the usual, nothing special or out of the ordinary.

I did my daily's for
The Sons of Hodir after that. I did them on both
Wranngar and
Gomorra. These go pretty quick, about a half hour on each, and pay pretty good. I get some good leather and meat from them too so I am not complaining at all. If you are interested in how to start doing the daily's for
The Sons of Hodir check out this earlier post,
Unlocking The Sons of Hodir Daily's.

I did all my daily's for the
Knights of the Ebon Blade tonight. I picked up
Leave Our Mark,
Vile Like Fire! and
Shoot 'Em Up from the Shadow Vault and
From Their Corpses, Rise! and
No Fly Zone from Death's Rise. I already had
Intelligence Gathering that I was working on. I completed them all on both today for around 80 gold each. I am starting to build up my gold reserves after spending 8,000 gold on the
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth.