The daily fishing quest from Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran was Monsterbelly Appetite again. The daily cooking from Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome was Infused Mushroom Meatloaf.

Gom's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices in it. He didn't make out too well on this one today.
Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 2 Northern Spices in it, he made out even worse than Gom if you can believe that.
I headed over to see Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran after that. I turned in the severed arms to her and she gave a couple Bags of Fishing Treasures for a reward. She is going to attempt to reunite the arm with the fisherman it was bitten off of. Good luck with that, it looked pretty much digested to me but I'm no doctor.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 8g19s69c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking and 3 Worthless Pieces of Green Glass in it. Not the best haul for Wrann today but the Elixir of Water Walking do come in handy when you need to farm a lot of fish. It is so much easier to fish schools when you can walk on water. When you are getting the mats for Fish Feast you need to get a lot of fish. It takes 120 fish and 20 Northern Spices to make one stack of 20 Fish Feast.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g62s73c, 4 Pygmy Oil, a Tower Key which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c and 3 Deviate Fish. Not a great haul for Gom either but at least he made a little gold off the key.