I got on
Gomorra determined to get to revered with
The Kalu'ak and I did. I did a bunch of quests I looked up on
Thottbot. I did all the quests I could, some are Horde only. I think there is one I can still do, I will look into that tomorrow. I read about it and don't recall doing it. I got the last daily so now I am doing
Preparing for the Worst,
Planning for the Future and
The Way to His Heart.... My reputation with them is 7550/21000 revered. It will take me 8 more days to become exalted with them, then
Gomorra can get his
Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole. I can't wait. I worked on my tailoring some more tonight too, I got it up to 416 when I made 5
Frostweave Bags. I only have 9 more points until I can make a
Magnificent Flying Carpet. That will be pretty nice. Before I do that I need to gather up some more Frostweave cloth,

I am running really low. Leveling
Tailoring seems a lot easier 375-450 than it did 300-375. Maybe it will get a lot harder but, looking at the patterns I will be getting, it doesn't look like it. It's really not that expensive either. I got my Skinning up to 428 today too. I will have to start working on my cooking, fishing and first aid but I am going to hold off on first aid until I have my
Tailoring to 450 because I can't afford to spare any Frostweave cloth for first aid.

I only did the daily cooking on
Wranngar tonight. It was getting late and I had spent so much time on
Gomorra that was really all I had time to do. That's ok though, I got what I wanted to get done on
Gomorra done. Today's daily cooking quest was
Infused Mushroom Meatloaf. It took me a long time to get my 4
Infused Mushrooms,
everyone seemed to be doing it at the same time tonight. Usually when that happens I go and do some of my other daily's then come back to it but tonight it was late so I just stuck with it. Eventually I got the 4 I needed, I think it took me around 10 minutes or so. I headed over to that bank and grabbed 2
Chilled Meat to cook them up with.

Once I had my meatloaf I delivered it to
Orton Bennet at Curiosities and Moore. He gave me a
Dalaran Cooking Award, a
Small Spice Bag and 9g93s. The
Small Spice Bag had 3
Northern Spices and 4
Old Spices in it. With the 10 I got using my award I now have 343
Northern Spices in the bank and plenty of buff food cooked up too.
Gomorra is going to need
Norhern Spices to level his cooking.
Wranngar spent a lot of time waiting to get
Northern Spices to level his cooking but
Gomorra won't have to.