I did some exploring with
Gomorra today. I finished up exploring Northrend, I had a lot of Howling Fjord, one spot in Grizzly Hills, one in Crystal Song Forest and a few each in Zul'Drak, Icecrown and Sholazar Basin. This didn't take me long at all on a swift flying mount.

When you complete the
Explore Northrend achievement you get the
Tabard of the Explorer. That is what I was after when I set out today and I got it.
Wranngar already has the
Tabard of the Explorer and he also has the title
the Explorer for finishing the
World Explorer achievement.
I finished up exploring Outlands after that, I only had one spot in Blades Edge left to explore. I got the
Explore Outland achievement for finishing that. I still need to explore Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms before I get the
'the Explorer' title on