I only did the daily cooking and fishing today. I took a little break from the rest of the daily's.

Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 7g92s44c, 5 Pygmy Oil, 4 Deviate Fish and a Stuffed Shark Head. I thought the Stuffed Shark Head might be worth something because that is the kind of thing they put a high vendor sell price on but I only got 1g75s for it. That was disappointing.
Wranngar made out a little better, his had 9g19s83c, a Glow Worm, 3 Deviate Fish and a Whale Statue which I sold to a vendor for 11 gold.

Gom's Small Spice Bag had 5 Northern Spices and 3 Baby Spice in it. Certainly nothing to write home about there.
Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 5 Northern Spices and 5 Baby Spice in it. Nothing to write home about there either.
I am still doing the daily cooking even though I have 450 cooking skill because Gom still needs recipes and Wrann needs about 65 more Dalaran Cooking Awards to get a Chef's Hat for the achievement.
Mythrara logged on for a little bit today, I hadn't seen them in awhile. I guess they were working on their Rogue on another server and got it to 80 and is now doing a lot of PvP. They were wondering why I don't PvP anymore and the reason is I just don't have the time anymore because I spend all my time doing daily's. When I take a break from the daily's I will be doing a lot of PvP. I was planning on taking July off from the daily's but it might even be sooner.