I got my daily's out of the way early today. I was able to do them on both toons today, I am not sure what the problem with Wranngar was yesterday but both he and Gomorra were able to do them today. I grabbed the daily fishing, from Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, which was Jewel Of The Sewers today, and the daily cooking, from Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, which was Cheese for Glowergold again.
I did the cooking first. It really didn't take me long to get the 6 Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses or the Aged Dalaran Limburger today. I combined them on the platter I was given when I accepted this daily quest and delivered them to Ranid Glowergold (36,28) at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag.
Gom's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices in it today, not the best haul but not bad, I have had worse.
Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 6 Northern Spices in it, a great haul for Wrann today.
I did the daily fishing after that which had me heading down into the sewers to fish for a piece of Corroded Jewelry. I headed over to the Black Market to fsh for that, that is where I always fish for it and I always get my Corroded Jewelry in less than 10 casts, today was no exception. I turned the Corroded Jewelry in to Marcia for a Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 7g21s91c, 2 Northsea Pearls, 2 Crafted Star, 2 Deviate Fish and a Runic Mana Potion. A whole lot of stuff but not really worth anything. The most valuable items were the Northsea Pearls and Mana Potion.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g62s16c, 3 Northsea Pearls, 2 Crafted Star, 2 Deviate Fish and a Velociraptor Skull. Not much there either.
The daily fishing still has a lot of great rewards I haven't gotten yet so I will keep plugging away at it.

Gom's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices in it today, not the best haul but not bad, I have had worse.
Wrann's Small Spice Bag had 6 Northern Spices in it, a great haul for Wrann today.

Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 7g21s91c, 2 Northsea Pearls, 2 Crafted Star, 2 Deviate Fish and a Runic Mana Potion. A whole lot of stuff but not really worth anything. The most valuable items were the Northsea Pearls and Mana Potion.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g62s16c, 3 Northsea Pearls, 2 Crafted Star, 2 Deviate Fish and a Velociraptor Skull. Not much there either.
The daily fishing still has a lot of great rewards I haven't gotten yet so I will keep plugging away at it.