Something weird happened tonight, I could not get out of AV so I ALT + F4 to close the program. When I logged back in a half hour later I was in the same spot in AV but I was in a new battle that hadn't started yet. There was over a minute to go before the battle started and I was in the middle of AV so I took advantage of the situation and claimed SFGY :). I was in the process of claiming IBT when the battle started. The strange part was I didn't have the battleground button on my mini map so I couldn't see anything about kills or where I was ranked in the group. When the battle was over I, once again, couldn't leave so I ALT + F4 to close the program again. I will log back in around a half hour from now and see what happens. I will also put in a ticket and explain what happened so I don't lose my account for suspicion of hacking.