When I grabbed my daily battleground on
Wranngar today it was Isle of Conquest. I have done this one a half dozen times now and have a pretty good grasp of the routine. We lost the first one I was in, we had a lot of AFK in that one. The second one I was in went a lot better, I think we only had 3 AFK and the rest of the team seemed to know what they were doing. We ended up killing their General for the win. It was a close battle though, the Horde were in our keep attacking our General when we killed theirs. Anyway that got my daily done and I handed it in for 19g86s and 1241 bonus honor.

I fought in 4 Alterac Valleys after that, 2 wins and 2 losses. The first 3 battles were pretty good, we were pretty even right up to the end. The 4th battle was a turtle on our part which we, of course, lost. We killed Drek in the 2 battles we won and the Horde killed Vann in one of the battles we lost and won the other one on reinforcements. The Horde win a lot of their battles on reinforcements because AV is set up to their advantage when it comes to reinforcements. As usual we had a lot of AFK in all 4 of the battles I was in. At least now it looks like Blizzard removes the AFK from the battleground after they are AFK for a certain amount of time making way for someone who could be fighting.

But sometimes the person that comes in just stays in the cave and goes AFK, it is a losing battle and one Blizzard has failed horribly to correct. A lot of people have been asking about the
TuringTest AFK Reporter when I announce the AFK and want to know where to get it. Only 5 people having it in each battle would take care of the AFK problem.

I fought in 3 Eye of the Storm tonight too. 2 wins and 1 loss. For a change the loss didn't seem to be Flagtard related, we were just outclassed. In one of the two wins I got into a mostly pre-made, 13 of the 15 were a pre-made. Needless to say we won that one easily with a 4 cap. I did notice in the one we lost that only me and one other person went to FRR. There were only 4 people there and one more person with us would have been able to take it.

We did have 5 people at MT and another 4 or 5 at DR which is a waste at the beginning of the battle as the Horde are usually trying to cap BET and FRR. Usually if they are going to try and cap something on our side at the start it will be DR so that is where a couple extra people would be helpful. Rarely do they come for MT. All in all, even with the one loss, it was a pretty good night for the Alliance in the EoS battles I was in.