I just realized it has been 2 1/2 years, the beginning of this month, since I started playing World of Warcraft. I started playing December 1st 2006 after seeing the South Park episode 'Make Love, Not Warcraft'. I had been hearing a lot about it from people at work before that and decided to check it out, the rest is history.
My very first character was a Human Warrior named Durgan on Aman'Thul. I got him to level 19 before I saw a Warlock on a Felsteed. Once I saw that I decided I had to have one.
Gomorra was born.
My very first character was a Human Warrior named Durgan on Aman'Thul. I got him to level 19 before I saw a Warlock on a Felsteed. Once I saw that I decided I had to have one.
Gomorra was born.

I will dual spec Gomorra Destruction/Demonology, now that dual speccing is available, as I like Destruction too, I had a lot of fun with that and did a lot of damage.

It has been a pretty good 2 1/2 half years, I hope the next 2 1/2 are as good.