Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had
Dangerously Delicious for
Brieanna's daily fishing quest. This is a dangerous daily as you have to go into the combat zone and you are flagged for PvP.

I took the flight path from Dalaran to Wintergrasp and started fishing right next to where I landed. It didn't take me long at all to catch the 10
Terrorfish I needed and I didn't see any Horde the whole time I was there. There were a couple other people fishing at the same time and the Horde will only attack if they have you outnumbered at least 3 to 1 and there probably weren't that many around. We held Wintergrasp as usual.
Once I was done there I flew back to Dalaran and turned over the 10
Terrorfish to
Marcia in exchange for a
Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today it had 9g87s24c, 2
Elixirs of Water Walking and 2
Worthless Pieces of White Glass. Not the best day of fishing for
Brieanna today but I can't complain, she has cleaned up on the daily fishing quests in Dalaran and Outlands.