I did a couple dungeons on Shealin and some questing in Tanaris and got her to level 49.
I did 2 runs through Maraudon Yellow and a run through Blackrock Depths. The run through BRD was a lot of fun and we kept on going after we completed the Prison so I got a lot of good XP out of it. I also had lag so bad towards the end I couldn't move most the time and ended up disconnecting a couple times before I finally gave up.
The farther we went into BRD the lower my DPS got. The reason for that was the farther in we went the higher the level of the mobs got.

Like I have said before, I am in no hurry to get to level 80 on this one, I am going to take my time and enjoy leveling it. My job now keeps me away from WoW during the week for the most part but I get on when I can and make sure I get some time in on the weekends. I will get to 80 eventually :).