Today when
Wranngar went to see
Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, she gave him
Jewel Of The Sewers for his daily fishing quest. This is the only daily fishing quest you don't have to leave Dalaran to do.

I headed to the Black Market in the sewers to fish for the piece of
Corroded Jewelry this quest is looking for. I always have good luck there, usually catching one in less than 10 casts. Today was no exception, I got my
Corroded Jewelry on the 8th cast. I also got some garbage fish and a couple vials in the process, it is like a medical waste dump down there.

I took the
Corroded Jewelry back to
Marcia and exchanged it for a
Bag of Fishing Treasures which today had 7g55s39c, 3
Elixirs of Water Walking and a
Diamond-tipped Cane in it. Not a great return on this one today. I sent the
Elixirs of Water Walking to
Brieanna though as I have had a couple situations where I wished I had them on her in the past.