I only did the daily fishing and cooking today, I didn't have a whole lot of time. Today's fishing quest, from
Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, was
The Ghostfish. The daily cooking, from
Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, was
Cheese for Glowergold. I hate
Cheese for Glowergold, it has to be the worst daily ever.

I did the cooking first, I ran around Dalaran on
Gomorra looking for
Half Full Dalaran Wine Glasses, collecting them until I had the 6 I needed (I skipped this one on
Wranngar). Once I had my 6 glasses I headed over to
One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran, to see if I could find some
Aged Dalaran Limburger. That went a lot quicker than collecting the half empty wine glasses. I right clicked on the platter I was given at the start of the quest which combined the wine and cheese into a wine and cheese platter. I gave that to
Ranid Glowergold (36,28 at the Leatherworkers in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for 9g93s, a
Dalaran Cooking Award and a
Small Spice Bag.
Small Spice Bag had 4
Northern Spices in it, hardly worth getting out of bed for. I banked the spices, I have a little over 400 now, and I am saving the awards for a
Chef's Hat so I can complete that achievement.

After that I headed over to Rivers Heart in Sholazar Basin to fish for the elusive
Ghostfish. I like to fish up top a little northeast of the flight point. I have a root there that I stand on (49,55) and fish. I usually catch my
Phantom Ghostfish in 10 casts or less. You do not need to fish from a school and I think you can fish just about anywhere in Sholazar Basin for them but this is where I go every time. When I caught the
Phantom Ghostfish I ate it right away, it is on a timer that starts clocking as soon as you loot it, you have 60 seconds before it disappears. I guess that is why not many people have seen them, kind of hard to transport them anywhere lol. When you eat it you go into an 'altered' state. You have to do it to know what I am talking about, but the picture above will give you an idea.
I headed back to
Marcia Chase and told her what I found and she gave me a
Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 7g87s2c, a
Glow Worm, a
New Age Painting signed by
Marcia Chase, which I sold to a vendor for 25 gold, and 3
Deviate Fish. Not a bad haul for
Gom, not great but the
Glow Worm's are nice, they give you +100 to fishing skill for one hour, good for farming cooking mats, and the 25 gold from the painting was nice.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g35s20c, 5
Pygmy Oil and 2
Worthless Pieces of Green Glass. Not a great day for
Wrann but there are still some great rewards to be had from this daily.