Today Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had Blood Is Thicker for me again. This is another easy one, but takes some travel time.
This one had me taking the flight path to Un'upe. Once there I flew inland until I found a Marsh Caribou. I didn't have to go far, you start seeing them right at the snow line. I killed one which covered me in blood. Covered in blood, I flew back to shore and jumped in creating a blood pool. I fished that until I had my 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy. That was 2 catches, I got 3 in my first catch and 2 in my second.
I hearthed back to Dalaran and went to see Marcia. I turned the Bloodtooth Frenzy over to her in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures which today had 9g95s29c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking, a Tower Key that I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c and 2 Deviate Fish in it. Not a bad haul today with the Tower Key.