Today my daily fishing in Dalaran was Monsterbelly Appetite. I picked it up from Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran and headed off to Unu'pe in Borean Tundra.
Once I got to Unu'pe I headed out to sea, to the iceberg's. I had my fish tracking on so it only took me a few seconds to find a Monsterbelly school. I got my Bloated Monsterbelly on my first cast on Gomorra and my 3rd cast on Wranngar.
Once I removed the arm from the Bloated Monsterbelly I headed back to hand it in to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran, who will attempt to reunite the arm with the fisherman who lost it. She gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g23s86c, 3 Pygmy Oil, a Tower Key, which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c, and 2 Deviate Fish. Nothing great for Gom today.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g1s12c, a Glow Worm and 5 Solid Gold Coins which I sold to a vendor for 1 gold each. Not a great day for Wrann either.
My daily cooking quest from Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome was Convention at the Legerdemain today. This is a pretty easy one, I headed to the guild bank and got some Chilled Meat which I used to make 4 Northern Stew. All I had to do after that was run over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran to grab a jug of wine. The jug of wine spawns in several areas so you have to run around and check the spots until you find one. I got mine on both pretty quick today and was off to hand it in to Arille Azuregaze, the bartender at The Legerdemain in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag.
Gom's Small Spice Bag had 5 Northern Spices and 4 Baby Spice in it while Wrann's had only 3 Northern Spices in it. All in all not to bad a day there.
Wrann is close to getting his Chef's Hat, he only needs 6 more Dalaran Cooking Awards and he will have it. According to the patch notes wearing a Chef's Hat will enable you to cook faster after the next patch. That will come in handy when I am cooking up stacks of buff food.

Once I removed the arm from the Bloated Monsterbelly I headed back to hand it in to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran, who will attempt to reunite the arm with the fisherman who lost it. She gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble.
Gom's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 9g23s86c, 3 Pygmy Oil, a Tower Key, which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c, and 2 Deviate Fish. Nothing great for Gom today.
Wrann's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g1s12c, a Glow Worm and 5 Solid Gold Coins which I sold to a vendor for 1 gold each. Not a great day for Wrann either.

Gom's Small Spice Bag had 5 Northern Spices and 4 Baby Spice in it while Wrann's had only 3 Northern Spices in it. All in all not to bad a day there.
Wrann is close to getting his Chef's Hat, he only needs 6 more Dalaran Cooking Awards and he will have it. According to the patch notes wearing a Chef's Hat will enable you to cook faster after the next patch. That will come in handy when I am cooking up stacks of buff food.