I hopped on
Wranngar today and got the daily cooking in Dalaran done. It was
Cheese for Glowergold, one of my least favorite. The reason I am not too fond of this one is the 6 half full glasses of wine you have to pick up around town. There are usually a lot of people doing it at the same time and it usually takes you awhile to get all 6. Today was different, I had my 6 half full wine glasses in about 3 minutes then headed over to the cheese shop to get the cheese. The cheese spawned right as I walked through the door so I got this whole quest done in about 5 minutes or less. For compensation I received a
Dalaran Cooking Award, 9g93s and a
Small Spice Bag which contained 3
Northern Spices. Not the best haul today. I have 2
Dalaran Cooking Awards so tomorrow I will be able to buy another recipe.
I did the 3 daily's for the Kalu'ak today. These are pretty easy and don't take up a lot of time. It is going to take me about 12-13 days to get exalted with this faction so I can buy the fishing pole they have.

Today's daily battleground was Eye of the Storm. We won the first one I was in and I ended up fighting in 10 altogether, 9 wins and one loss. We had about 5 4 caps in our wins and the rest were 2 or 3 caps and running the flag. In the one we lost we had a team of flagtards, people who think the flag is more important than towers. To give you an idea of how stupid these people were, we were losing our only tower and there were 8 people in the middle fighting for the flag. Of course if they got it they would have no where to take it but that didn't seem to bother them. Fortunately you don't run into too many full groups of flagtards.