The daily fishing quest had
Wranngar heading over to the waterfall by Tuurem in Terokkar Forest. The quest was
Bait Bandits and I was after the elusive
Blackfin Darter. It wasn't that elusive today, I got one on my 4th cast. I headed back with that to
Old Man Barlo, (40,59) at Silmyr Lake in Terokkar Forest and handed it in for my
Bag of Fishing Treasures. I got 7g37s70c, 3
Elixirs of Water Walking and a
Razor Sharp Fillet Knife. Nothing exciting today but at least I didn't get another
Rusted Lock, that was getting old... I wil keep plugging away at this one because I know some day I will hit it big and get
The 2 Ring which I can sell for around 2800g on the AH, plus there are still some nice rewards to be had from this daily.