I got on Wranngar right before the daily's rolled over again today. Today it was a race though, I didn't know if I would get the fishing handed in but I did. Today the cooking was Convention at the Legerdemain, a nice easy one, while the fishing was Monsterbelly Appetite, another easy one.
As usual I did the cooking first, running over the bank for some Chilled Meat to make my Northern Stew, then I was off to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran for a Jug of Wine. I found the Jug of Wine as soon as I walked in the door which was nice, all in all it made this daily really fast. I ran over to see Arille Azuregaze, the bartender at The Legerdemain. He gave me 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 4 Northern Spices and 3 Baby Spice in it. Not a great haul today but not bad either.
I was off to Un'upe after that to catch a Bloated Monsterbelly. I had a hard time finding a Monsterbelly School but when I finally did I got it on the second cast. I hearthed back to Dalaran and turned it in to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange in exchange for a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Today it had 9g55s39c, 2 Elixir of Water Walking, a Stuffed Shark Head and 4 Deviate Fish. Not a great return on this one today either.
I saw I was down to 10 Chilled Meat when I did the cooking today so I headed over to Sholazar Basin to farm some more. I ended up getting 30 Chilled Meat, 3 Rhino Meat, a lot of Borean Leather and a piece of Artic Fur. That was a better return than both the daily's combined :).