I fought in 3 AV's on
Wranngar tonight, 1 win and 2 losses. The first one I was in was a win and the next 2 were losses. In the win we rushed FWGY and quickly moved onto FWRH while some capped IBT and TP. After we had FWRH clocking we capped the East and West Frostwolf Towers and then went in and took out
Drek, nice and smooth. In the second battle we were also doing pretty good, we had IBT and TP capped, we had IBGY and FWGY, although we lost FWGY and had to get it back, a usual occurrence but one that costs time. We had just capped West Frostwolf Tower and were waiting on East and FWRH to cap when the Horde killed
Vann, we just ran out of time. The third battle was a turtle because people went for
Galv at the start which resulted in a lot of the offense getting wiped out and sent back to Stormpike Graveyard to start over. Going for
Galv first is an almost guaranteed loss and is not worth the 63 honor he gives. I keep telling people if they think his 63 honor is nice they should try winning some time. Even though we had no offense to speak of and everyone was at

Dun Baldar we managed to get the Horde down to 50 resources before we lost. If people had put a little more effort into holding our bunkers I think we could have won it on kills. There were the usual 6-8 AFK in all 3 battles I was in, good job on that Blizzard.
Update: I went back in and did 2 more AV's, one win one loss. The first battle I was in we won but I'm not sure how. Most of our team was in Dun Baldar and I guess that helped some as they were able to hold the Horde off from killing
Vann for quite awhile after they had the 4 bunkers capped. We didn't have many on offense but were able to finally work our way into Frostwolf Keep and cap the East and West Towers. We had the FWRH clocking when we went for
Drek, I think everyone knew that we already had all the luck we were going to get as far as time was concerned. We managed to take down
Drek and the Horde never touched
Vann even though they had the 4 bunkers capped at for at least 5 miniutes. We had a lot more AFK in these 2 battles than we did in the previous 3, they don't even bother to come out of the cave, they just stay right where they spawn. Blizzard says they are doing something about the AFK but as hard as I look I just can't see it.

In the second battle there were 10 people spamming 10 different plans at the start so basically everyone took off in 10 different directions and everything just fell apart. That battle didn't last too long but I managed to pick up 2037 honor from these battles and 259 kills.