I played
Wranngar some more this morning. I got a few bars in and went to Darnassus to train. I got a few new ranks to my skills. I am assuming that I will train every level from 70 to 80 just like I did from 60 to 70. I did a bunch of quests in North Rend but didn't seem to get many bars out of them. It is going to take me awhile to get to 80 as I just don't have the time to play anymore like I used to and I also have my DeathKnight
Wrangar that I am leveling up too.
Wrangar is level 60 now. I am going to try and get on again later tonight and then some more tomorrow. I would like to get
Wranngar to 73 and
Wrangar to at least 61 before the weekend is over.