Today when I went to see
Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, for the daily cooking quest she had
Blood Is Thicker for
Wranngar and
Gomorra. This is a nice easy one but takes a little travel time.

This one had me taking the flight path from Dalaran to the flight point in Un'upe. Once there I flew inland until I found a
Marsh Caribou. I killed that which got me covered in blood, part of the quest. I flew back to shore and jumped in, washing the blood off me and creating a blood pool. I fished the blood pool until I caught 5
Bloodtooth Frenzy. This doesn't take long as you catch them 2 and 3 at a time.
I hearthed back to Dalaran and went to see
Marcia. I traded her the 5
Bloodtooth Frenzy for a
Bag of Fishing Treasures.
Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g87s9c, 2
Elixirs of Water Walking, a
Whale Statue, which I sold to a vendor for 11 gold, and a
Waterlogged Recipe.
Waterlogged Recipe starts a quest. The quest is to take the recipe to
Christi Stockton, the wine vendor at One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran. She gives you 13g23s and 5
Dalaran Cooking Awards for it, a pretty good deal for something that only takes you around 30 seconds.
Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g13s9c, 3
Elixirs of Water Walking and 2
Worthless Pieces of Green Glass.
Gom didn't make out as well.