I got
Wranngar to level 75 tonight. It is going pretty quick with all the XP these quests pay, over 20,000 for most, and the fact that I was on rested XP. All of level 76 is rested too so I should be able to get through that pretty quick. If I keep going at the rate I am I will catch up with the rested XP in level 77 for sure. After I hit 75 I went to Stormwind and trained then out to SouthShore and up to Alterac Mountains to finish the Feast of Winter Veil quest I started the other day. There was no one there, I rode up, dismounted, killed the Yeti and was on my way back to Ironforge to hand in. Much better than the other day when there were 50 people there. I will work on
Wranngar some more tomorrow and see if I can get him to 76. Then it is only one more level until I can fly in North Rend.