Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had
The Ghostfish for our daily fishing quest. This one has the farthest travel distance and time out of all the daily fishing quests. I did it on
Gomorra and
Brieanna today.

This one had me taking the flight path out of Dalaran to Sholazar Basin. From there I flew up top and a little northwest of where I landed to my spot. I didn't take me too long to catch my
Phantom Ghostfish today,
Gomorra got his in 8 casts,
Wranngar got his in 8 casts and
Brieanna hers in 18 casts. She is still taking the most time to catch things but I attribute that to her fishing skill only being 370. I ate the
Phantom Ghostfish as soon as I caught it because it is on a timer and you only have 60 seconds to eat it before it disappears. Eating it puts you into a state called
Invisibility which is a somewhat surreal state. I hearthed back to Dalaran to tell
Marcia what I found out. She gave us all a
Bag of Fishing Treasures for our trouble.

Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g51s41c, 5
Pygmy Oil, a
Tower Key which I vendored for 16g66s66c, and a
Waterlogged Recipe.
Waterlogged Recipe starts a quest to deliver the recipe to
Christi Stockton, the wine vendor at One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran. She gives you 13g23s and 5
Dalaran Cooking Awards for it. Not a bad deal at all.
Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g23s98c, 5
Pygmy Oil and 2
Worthless PIeces of Orange Glass in it. He didn't make out so well today.
Brieanna's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 8g83s81c, 5
Pygmy Oil and an
Unusual Compass in it, she didn't make out so well either.