I did some dungeons today for the first time in quite awhile. Seeing that the daily quest gold got nerfed already, I decided I could make more gold doing dungeons.
I did
Nexus as my random daily heroic on
Brieanna and then got
Gundrak for my next random heroic. Both of them went really smooth.

We had a good group in
Nexus and tore through there without any problem. Being the Hunter I made sure I dismissed my pet before jumping off anything. I have been in more bad situations in
Nexus, and other dungeons, because the Hunter doesn't dismiss their pet before jumping and the pet takes the long way around, aggroing everything along the way. We had no problem at all with the Bosses but I couldn't skin
Keristrasza at then end. It said it required 455 skinning skill, I have 450. I am pretty sure I have skinned that Boss many times before but, oh well, times are changing.
Gundrak went smooth too. When we went to kill
Eck the Ferocious I couldn't get through the entrance for some reason, I don't know why. After everyone else came back from that we finished up the rest with no problems.

I didn't do any heroics on
Brieonna because it has been so long since I did any healing. That, the fact that they took away some of my stuff, and just being out of practice had me doing normal dungeons on her. My random daily dungeon on her was
Utgarde Pinnacle. This was actually the first dungeon I did today which got me going on them. I didn't do too bad considering. I lost one person by the time it was over. That was a combination of line of sight, lag and being out of practice. Usually when I am healing I try to keep an eye on everyone and not let anyone get out of my sight. Well, I let someone get out of my sight and by the time I could get them back in sight and get a cast off it was too late for them. We finished up though without any more problems after that, I paid a little more attention.

My next random daily on
Brieonna was
Trial of the Champion which I got into already in progress. I lost one in there too. It was phase 3 of the
Black Knight and too many people were taking damage at once. That's where being out of practice really hurt, normally I have no problem in there. This is why I decided to do normal dungeons on her instead of jumping right back into heroics.
My last random daily dungeon on
Brieonna was
The Forge of Souls.

I almost bailed as soon as I queued in, I didn't think I was up to that one yet. If it was
Halls of Reflection or the
Pit of Saron I would have bailed, but I decided to stick it out and see what happened. We had no problem at all. It was a smooth textbook run. We had a good tank and a good group, not that there was anything wrong with the other groups. That was about all the stress I could take on
Brieonna for one day so I switched over to
Breeonna to do a few.
I only did randoms on
Breeonna and my random daily was
Forge of Souls again. We had another good group and tore through there pretty smoothly.

I then proceeded to do the
Pit of Saron,
Halls of Reflection and
Utgarde Pinnacle. We had no problems in any of those although one person died in
UP. At least I wasn't healing it :). I noticed it takes about twice as long, twice as many harpoon shots, to get
Skadi the Ruthless down in
UP than it did the last time I was in there. The first time around I thought he was bugged but them second time took just as long.
The nice thing about
Brieonna is she queues in a minute or less usually. There is no waiting for queues on her. On
Brieanna and
Breeonna it took about 10-12 minutes to queue in. I want to get back in Dungeon shape so I won't be lost when
Cata gets here as I am going to have to regear everyone.