Today Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran had Monsterbelly Appetite for Wranngar and Gomorra.
This one had me taking the flight path out of Dalaran to Un'upe. Once there I flew out to sea in a southeasterly direction to the icebergs there. I had my fish tracking on so I flew around until I found a school of Deep Sea Monsterbelly. I fished that until I caught a Bloated Monsterbelly, which was 1 cast on Gomorra and 3 on Wranngar. I cut the Bloated Monsterbelly open and got the Severed Arm I was after then hearthed back to Dalaran.
This daily is the only one that doesn't get handed back in to Marcia, it gets handed in to Olisarra the Kind, (36,37) the Grand Master First Aid Trainer in the Magus Commerce Exchange. She is going to attempt to reunite the arm with the fisherman who lost it, good luck with that. She gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble.
Today Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g64s45c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking, 3 Solid Gold Coins, which I sold to a vendor for 3 gold, and 2 Deviate Fish. Any way you look at it, not a great day of fishing for Wrann. Less than 10 gold total.
Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g49s33c, 4 Pygmy Oil and a Diamond-tipped Cane. Not a great day of fishing for Gom either.

Today Wranngar's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 6g64s45c, 2 Elixirs of Water Walking, 3 Solid Gold Coins, which I sold to a vendor for 3 gold, and 2 Deviate Fish. Any way you look at it, not a great day of fishing for Wrann. Less than 10 gold total.
Gomorra's Bag of Fishing Treasures had 10g49s33c, 4 Pygmy Oil and a Diamond-tipped Cane. Not a great day of fishing for Gom either.