I did some more questing tonight in Icecrown on
Gomorra. I did a bunch of quests for the
Knights of the Ebon Blade. I increased my reputation to friendly and now I am doing a couple of the daily's for them,
Leave Our Mark and
Vile Like Fire!. I am only getting around 7g40s for these now because I am still getting XP but when I hit 80 they will increase to 13g23s. I am still doing quests for them and haven't made it to Death's Rise yet, where I should be able to pick up 3 more daily's. I am less than 5 bars from leveling to 80 so I will definitely level tomorrow. Don't let the less than 5 bars fool you though, I still have 413,911 XP to go. That will take me a couple hours. I got a pretty nice staff as a reward tonight that will hold me until I can replace it with something better. And by better I mean Superior.

I did my daily's for
The Sons of Hodir on
Gomorra tonight but I ended up not having enough time to do them on
Wranngar. The ones I did on
Gomorra are
Blowing Hodir's Horn,
Hot and Cold,
Polishing the Helm and
Spy Hunter. I timed it today and it took me about a half hour but that included some farming for leather and meat. If I just stick to the quests I can get them done in about 25 minutes. After I get
Gomorra to 80 tomorrow I will be doing them on both along with the
Knights of the Ebon Blade daily's.

Today's daily cooking was
Convention at the Legerdemain. This is a really easy one, all I had to do was head over to the Wine and Cheese shop,
One More Glass, and get a jug of wine. Sometimes this can take a little while but today there were only a couple people there and I got my jugs on both pretty quick. Once I had the wine I headed over to the bank and grabbed 4 pieces of
Chilled Meat so I could make 4
Northern Stew. Once I had my jug of wine and 4
Northern Stew on both
Gomorra and
Wranngar I headed over to
The Legerdemain and delivered it to
Arille Azuregaze, the bartender. She gave
Gomorra 9g93s, a
Dalaran Cooking Award and a
Small Spice Bag with 3
Northern Spices, 5
Old Spices and 5
Baby Spice in it. Not a bad day for
Wranngar got a
Dalaran Cooking Award, a
Small Spice Bag with 4
Northern Spices in it and 9g93s. Not the best haul for
Wranngar but not bad. I took the award
Wranngar got and bought 10 more
Northern Spices for the guild bank, now I have 548. They are good to have on hand because you can always use them. They go for around 3 gold
each on the auction house so I don't want to have to buy them.