I did the Daily Random Heroic Dungeon on both Gomorra and Brieanna tonight after taking a couple days off from them.
Gomorra ended up getting Utgarde Pinnacle for his. I like this one, it goes pretty quick and we usually don't have any problems in there. Tonight was no exception, we went through fast and smooth. I got my 2 Emblem of Frost and 26g46s plus a Emblem of Triumph for each boss we killed and, as we had Wintergrasp, some Stone Keeper's Shards.
Brieanna got Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom for her daily. I am not a big fan of this one. The only thing I really don't like about it is the last boss. He has this thing he does called insanity that makes everyone attack each other. They are actually mirror images that are attacking and they don't do much damage but it is still a pain. Still, we got through there without any problems, with the exception of the healer going AFK for a few minutes. If you are going to queue for a dungeon then have the time to do it I say. Someone going AFK holds everyone up. I completed that and received my 26g46s, 2 Frost Emblems along with a Emblem of Triumph for each boss we killed and some Stone Keeper's Shards, so all in all a good run.