Gomorra leveled to 76 tonight. I am pretty happy about that because now I can quest in Sholazar Basin. I will level to 77 pretty quick there and I can get my cold weather flying training. I should be flying in North Rend by Friday night, Saturday the latest. I took the portal from Dalaran to Stormwind and got my training done. That ran me about 50 gold, not too bad. I went back to Dalaran before I logged off so I will be there for the daily cooking when I log on tomorrow.

I did the daily cooking quest on both
Wranngar and
Gomorra tonight. It was
Mustard Dogs! so I went off in search of
Wild Mustard.
Wild Mustard grows in all the grassy areas of Dalaran. I think they are kind of small and you really have to look for them. Usually I see the sparkles long before I see the
Wild Mustard. I got the 4 I needed on each and then made up some
Rhino Dogs from some of the Rhino Meat I had in the bank. I cooked the
Rhino Dogs up with the
Wild Mustard and delivered it to
Archmage Pentarus at Krasus' Landing. He gave
Gomorra 9g93s, 2
Dalaran Cooking Awards and a
Small Spice Bag with 3
Northern Spices in it. He gave
Wranngar 9g93s, 2
Dalaran Cooking Awards and a
Small Spice Bag with 2
Northern Spices in it.

That gave
Gomorra 4
Dalaran Cooking Awards so I used 3 of them to buy
Recipe: Mega Mammoth Meal. That's 2 down, 43 to go. I used
Wranngar's awards to buy 20 more
Northern Spices which I put in the guild bank. I now have 438
Northern Spices on hand.
Gomorra will use a lot of them to get his cooking up and to eventually get his
Hail to the Chef achievement but I am pretty confident now that I will not run out.

I didn't do any of my daily's on
Wranngar besides the daily cooking, I wanted to get
Gomorra to 76 tonight so I concentrated on that. I did a bunch of questing in Dragonblight and didn't have to go to Zul'Drak at all, I liked that. I just don't like Zul'Drak and the most the quests you get there.
Wranngar did a lot of questing there and I will be happy if I can get
Gomorra to 80 without having to do anymore questing there. Tomorrow I will go to Sholazar Basin and start doing the quests there. I liked questing there on
Wranngar and there are plenty of animals to kill for meat and leather not to mention the fishing. Hopefully I will be able to get to 78 there.