Today Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had Blood Is Thicker for Brieanna. This is a pretty easy daily but has a little travel time involved.
This had me taking the flight path from Dalaran to Unu'pe in the Borean Tundra. Once there I flew inland to kill a Marsh Caribou. That gets me covered in blood which is part of the quest. You can kill any of the animals the Druids protect to get covered in blood for this quest. From there it was back to the shore where I jumped in, creating a blood pool. I fished in the blood pool until I caught the 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy this quest calls for. That doesn't take long as you catch them 2 or 3 at a time.
I hearthed back to Dalaran and went to see Marcia. I turned the 5 Bloodtooth Frenzy over to her and she gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble. Today it had 8g67s77c, a Glow Worm, a Tower Key, which I sold to a vendor for 16g66s66c, 2 Deviate Fish and 2 Runic Mana Potions in it. A borderline Ok day of fishing.