Today Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran, had Dangerously Delicious for Brieanna's daily fishing quest. This one has me going to Wintergrasp, the combat zone, to fish.
I took the flight path to the flight point in Wintergrasp and started fishing right there by where you land. There were a few other people there so I didn't expect any trouble and there was none. It took me less than 5 minutes to catch the 10 Terrorfish I needed. At that point the battle for Wintergrasp started so I joined up with that. Come for the fishing, stay for the fighting I always say. We won that one.
I hearthed back to Dalaran and went to see Marcia. I turned the 10 Terrorfish over to her and she gave me a Bag of Fishing Treasures for my trouble. Today my Bag of Fishing Treasures had 7g28s46c, 3 Northsea Pearls, 2 Worthless Pieces of Violet Glass, 2 Deviate Fish and a Waterlogged Recipe.
I love getting the Waterlogged Recipe. It starts a really simple quest to take the recipe and give it to Christi Stockton, the wine vendor at One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran. She gives you 13g23s and 5 Dalaran Cooking Awards for it. Not a bad deal at all.