I finally got The Ghostfish for my daily fishing quest today. Another easy one but a little more time consuming for the traveling and all.
I flew out to the flight point at River's Heart in Sholozar Basin, then headed up to the top of the cliff to the north. I found a log to stand on at 49,55 and started fishing for the mysterious Phantom Ghostfish.
I flew out to the flight point at River's Heart in Sholozar Basin, then headed up to the top of the cliff to the north. I found a log to stand on at 49,55 and started fishing for the mysterious Phantom Ghostfish.

All you have to do after that is hand it back in where you got it, Marcia Chase (53,65), by the fountain in Dalaran. She will reward you with a Bag of Fishing Treasures that can contain anything from pets to epic items to junk and anything in between. Today Wranngar's had a New Age Painting signed by Marcia Chase. As priceless as that seemed, a vendor managed to put a price on it, 25 gold.
Everything has a price in World of Warcraft, even the useless, mundane items.
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