Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Daily Cooking - Infused Mushroom Meatloaf 12/30/09

Today Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, had Infused Mushroom Meatloaf for Wranngar's daily cooking quest. This is an easy one that doesn't use too many mats.

This one had me heading down into the sewers below Dalaran to pick Infused Mushrooms. This quest calls for 4 of them. I saw other people picking them while I was doing it but I had no problem getting the 4 I needed quickly. When I had those I headed over to the bank to grab 2 pieces of Chilled Meat to cook them up with. I built a fire right outside the bank and cooked my meatloaf.

With meatloaf in hand I headed over to see Orton Bennet, upstairs at Curiosities and Moore, and exchanged it for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 4 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today. I really need the spices, I have less than 200 in the bank.


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