Today Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, had Infused Mushroom Meatloaf for Wranngar and Gomorra. This is a nice easy one that doesn't use too many mats and you don't have to leave Dalaran for assuming you keep some meat on hand for the daily's, which you should.
This had me heading down into the sewers to pick some Infused Mushrooms, the recipe calls for 4. I got them pretty quick, once again it didn't seem like anyone else was doing it. From there I headed over to the bank and grabbed a couple pieces of Chilled Meat to cook them up with. I built a fire outside the bank and made my meatloaf.
I took that over to Orton Bennet, upstairs at Curiosities and Moore and exchanged them for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag.
Today Wranngar's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices, 5 Baby Spice and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad day if you count the extra award as 10 more spices.
Gomorra's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad day for him either.
This had me heading down into the sewers to pick some Infused Mushrooms, the recipe calls for 4. I got them pretty quick, once again it didn't seem like anyone else was doing it. From there I headed over to the bank and grabbed a couple pieces of Chilled Meat to cook them up with. I built a fire outside the bank and made my meatloaf.
I took that over to Orton Bennet, upstairs at Curiosities and Moore and exchanged them for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag.
Today Wranngar's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices, 5 Baby Spice and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad day if you count the extra award as 10 more spices.
Gomorra's Small Spice Bag had 3 Northern Spices and another Dalaran Cooking Award in it. Not a bad day for him either.