Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Convention at the Legerdemain - Daily Cooking 3/15/10

Today when Brieanna went to see Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, for the daily cooking quest, she ended up with Convention at the Legerdemain. Not a hard one, just uses a lot of my mats.

This had me running over to the bank to grab 4 pieces of Chilled Meat to cook up the 4 Northern Stew I needed, then running over to One More Glass, the wine and cheese shop in Dalaran, for a Jug of Wine. I found the wine upstairs as soon as I got there.

I took the wine and cheese over to Arille Azuregaze, the bartender at The Legerdemain. The Legerdemain is right across the road from One More Glass so that was quick. I exchanged the wine and stew for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 5 Northern Spices in it. Not a bad haul today.

Heroic Oculus (Dungeon)

Brieanna did the Oculus for the first time today on heroic mode. It being her first time in there I would have rather done it on normal first, knowing what I know now. To sum it up in one sentence, what a nightmare.

Being my first time in there I had no idea what to do. It all seemed pretty simple until it came time to call the drakes and mount them. That part went ok, but what next? I really have to give a hand to the people that do these instances for the first time and figure all this stuff out.

It turns out we had to ride the drakes, use them to kill some other drakes that were guarding platforms, then kill the Centrifuge Construct's that were guarding the bosses on these platforms. We killed Drakos the Interrogator, Varos Cloudstrider and Mage-Lord Urom without a problem and here I am thinking "this isn't too bad". Then we came to the last boss, Ley-Guardian Eregos. I lost track of how many times we died on him and how many people quit before it was over. I remember thinking this is impossible. We finally got him down though and it was over. I got the achievement and hopefully will never have to go in there again.

I didn't get any loot worth mentioning in there so basically all I got out of it, besides the achievement, was a 46 gold repair bill. It was a learning experience though and if I ever end up in there again, and it is a good possibility I will because of the random daily heroic's, I will have a better idea of what needs to be done and how we finally did it. In the end we had one red drake, one green drake and 3 amber drakes to take down Eregos.

Sewer Stew - Daily Cooking 3/14/10

Today Katherine Lee (41,65), the Grand Master Cooking Trainer in the kitchen of A Hero's Welcome, had Sewer Stew for Brieanna. This is the only daily you have to leave Dalaran to complete, assuming you have some meat on hand for the daily's. As I always keep plenty of meat on hand for my daily's I only had to leave to get the Crystalsong Carrots this recipe calls for.

This had me taking the Violet Gate down to Crystalsong Forest. When I got there I flew over until I was at the ruins directly below Dalaran. I got my 4 Crystalsong Carrots pretty quick today, there was no one else doing it at the time. I took the gate back up to Dalaran and headed over to the bank to grab 4 pieces of Chilled Meat to complete the ingredients for my stew. I built a fire and cooked up my Vegetable Stew.

I took the Vegetable Stew down and delivered it to Ajay Green at the Cantrips and Crows Tavern in the Underbelly in exchange for 9g93s, a Dalaran Cooking Award and a Small Spice Bag with 3 Northern Spices in it. An ok haul for today considering I had to leave Dalaran to complete it.